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a dedicated youth art space


The Signal Box Gallery is now operating!​

Thank you to the Greymouth Heritage Trust for supporting Youth Arts.

Opening hours are dependent on each artist, so stay up-to-date by following on Instagram or our Events Page.


We have a new address for our art space!

Thank you to Mawhera Incorporated for helping us secure a new space.

Our regular events such as Band Jam Sandwich, Open Mic Night, Singing Practice and Art Lessons will be on again soon. See GDYT Events Page for more information.



This is the vision of Hannah Hsieh, Raven Whatu-Joseph, Theo Struve & Friedman Struve.  They wanted a free & accessible place for youth to learn, create & enjoy all things art, music, words, food & imagination.  They successfully secured seed funding from The Ministry of Culture and Heritage Cultural Sector Innovation Fund & Art Soup began as a 3 month pilot version of that vision.

Art Soup: Welcome

©2023 by Grey District Youth Trust.

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